Monday, March 12, 2012

Tully's On The Plane Again...

Sunday, Feb 12, 2012
...and lands at Dulles International Airport.
Tully and Grammy travel to Washington DC again with Mommy; he is ten months old on this trip.  And, once again, he was a good boy on the plane...
...especially if we time it just right for his nap!
...and if we get lucky - no one is in the seat in front of us!
He read everything in the seat pocket over and over again!
We had a really early flight, so we took Tully straight out of bed in his PJ's and was jet set!  It sure was nice that we didn't have any lady sitting next to us this time ripping her velcro bag open and shut 50 times while Tully was trying to sleep during his nap.

We were lucky and got to see Kristen again on this trip.  She is one of Mommy's friends who lives in the DC area and she always takes time to see our sweet Tully when we come to DC.  Kristen makes our life easy and we had our usual stop at Whole Foods before heading to the hotel.  While gathering some fresh fruits and veggies for the week Tully began his adventure of taking in the hustle bustle of the city life once again.

He sat in the grocery cart like such a good boy... Mommy says he doesn't do that at home, but there were so many people running around the produce area that Tully was fascinated with everyone... it looked like worker ants!  No kidding!  I commented to Ashley about the number of people and she said Whole Foods was always busy when she lived in the area.  She is excited that they are building a new store close to where she lives now.

Anyway, after a yummy lunch and our grocery shopping spree, we made our way to the hotel.  We carried our luggage into the room and while the door was open... Tully made a bee-line down the long hallway to begin his exploration of our home away from home for a week:
I watched him and thought he was going to help the cleaning staff
because he was headed straight for the cart!
Of course, I called to him and asked him what he was doing... he turned and looked at me and then went on his way!  Oh no wait, he wasn't going for the cart, he was turning right into the first open door... but, I managed to swoop that little toot up just before he entered the room!

After  we made our way back to our room he continued on his mission to see more...
He scurried in and about the livingroom area to see what was there.
Wow, things have changed since our last trip to DC in Sept 2011...
Tully was about 5 1/2 months old and could not even crawl on that trip!
He was trying though...
After exploring the livingroom, he counted the dining room chairs,
and wondered why there were only two!?!
He made his way into the kitchen and found a dish scrubber brush
along with the pots and pans!
No matter what he did, he held onto that brush...
He managed to get the lid off and
 loved the noise those pans made on the tile floor!
...but, he soon decided that lid needed to be scrubbed.
Okay, he had hd enough with the pans,
and he ventured back towards the livingroom...

He found an avocado that I had dropped while putting the groceries away.
It had rolled just off the kitchen tile into the livingroom.
Notice he still has that scrubber brush in his hand!
AHAA!!  He finally laid it down and I snatched it up before he knew it was gone...
he was too busy picking the avocado up with both hands...
and he obviously wanted to take a CLOSER look at it!
with one toss -- I had that avocado back too!
After getting things settled into the kitchen and with our good timing, Mommy put Tully down for his 3:00 pm nap.  While she did that, I put our clothes into the closet and dresser and things were finally organized for the week.

Feb 13 - Monday morning
Mommy scuttled off to work and Tully continued on his exploration.  He made his way into the bedroom...

He wanted to know why that door squeaked!
He told me a little WD-40 would do the trick!
I gave him some books to look at while I was getting dressed... 
He loved his "touch and feel" book
and was quite content for a bit...
 ...but, he was soon distracted with the extra hangers on the floor.
He was trying to figure out what to do with them?!?
I think he has a little "engineering" brain!
One thing I have figured out-- there is no need to EVER buy TOYS!!!  Just buy useful things like scrubber brushes, pots and pans, and hangers or such... kids find those more interesting anyway!  And it sure makes traveling easier... actually, most of those things are already wherever you might be going!

Tully was soon distracted from the hangers with the curtains and windows...
he has to touch and feel everything!
and in a flash he found the opening
He made his way to the 2nd window and he stretched every inch that he could,
but to no avail could he see out!
He then turned to Grammy with those big blue eyes...
and yes, Tully and Grammy watched what seemed like millions of cars and trucks go by that window during the week!  He looked forward to looking out every time he woke up from his nap... he would point to the window.
The window faces the busy Wisconsin Avenue and Elm Street intersection
Tully watched the cars, big delivery trucks, firetrucks, bicycles, people walking everywhere, and he heard lots of noises and sirens.  He made the "vroom" car sound as he watched.  I so enjoy these little things with him!

We thought the weather was going to be cold, rainy and maybe even snow... Monday morning PawPaw Dennis sent this picture from home:
Whew, we left Oklahoma just in time... no white stuff in DC!
We had great weather all week :-D
For fear of weather being bad, we did bring his collapsible tunnel to play in along with a few books and a small stuffed dinosaur in the event we had to stay inside.
He was basically happy no matter what we did.
Sometimes, he would crawl in and then just sit and read!
but, I loved those smiles at the end of the tunnel!
Other related links for this trip:
Valentines Day in DC
Monkey Climber
Tully's Metro Train Ride
Fun in Bethesda
More of Bethesda
Play Area at Dallas Airport

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